Women’s March 2018

We went to the 2018 Women’s March!

(Originally posted in January  2018)

We went to the Women’s March in Pittsburgh. PA and it was awesome.

When we first got there we placed ourselves right at the City-County building. From where we were standing it was hard to see how many people actually came out. I remember my brother’s girlfriend saying – “Oh this looks good- maybe 2k people are here so far.”  We would be surprised to learn later that 30k people showed up!

Our rally started with multiple speakers. All of them were totally inspiring and made me feel like I wasn’t alone. It made me feel like there is hope. I even got a bit teary-eyed and blamed it on the weather. I always say that the world is a good place and things are always getting better. Attending the Women’s March made me feel like this is so true.

The overall energy was amazing. There was an impromptu band playing, everyone was chatting with each other, there was a strong sense of comradery and determination.  When the march officially started to move we went off to the sounds of “I’m every woman”. Ugh, just the vibes of unity made my day.

We marched all through downtown Pittsburgh, filling the road from sidewalk to sidewalk- that should have been a clue to how many ppl showed up BUT I remember the site of rounding the bend of the road, standing at the top of the hill, and realizing that we were not in the middle of the procession as we had thought. We were at the very back and the line of people went on forever!

At one point, my boyfriend and I lost our friends who we had gone to the march with.  I thought I could hear Arlene’s voice at one point as we were marching. As it turns out , my sister was helping lead the marching cries. I’m telling you these things can really make you get passionate.

The march ended in Market Square in downtown Pittsburgh. The theme of the march was Power To The Polls. If you are not registered to vote please register here. Thanks for stopping by our blog and btw…GIRL POWER!

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