5 Motivational Quotes To Get You Through The Week

Since it is Monday we decided to post five motivational quotes to help you get through the work week.  There is a quote for each day of the work week.  You can say one daily or read them every day for a great pick me up. If one of the quotes stand out to you, you can turn it into your own personal affirmation or mantra.  Repeat that quote over and over again in your head throughout the day. We also recommend when saying these quotes really believe what you are reading. Do not just rattle it off in your head and let it go. Really feel what you are saying. Everything quoted below is totally true and you are capable of great things!

5 Motivational Quotes

  1. The only limit in our lives are those we impose on ourselves 
     -Bob Proctor

You decide the limits of your life. You can do anything you set your mind to. What you believe you can do, you will do. So, stop saying you cant and start knowing you can.

2. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts
 – Eleanor Roosevelt

I love this quote so much because it reminds you to stop focusing on the past and make the new day amazing. You are in control of today, so let yesterday go and start moving forward to bigger and better things.

3. It is never too late to start creating the life you desire
 – Dawn Clark

Make today the day you start acting on your dreams. There is never a better time to get started than now.

4. What you do today can improve all of your tomorrows
 – Ralph Marston

Remember that what you do today can make tomorrow great. Try to make today the best day it can be so tomorrow can be even better.

5. If you can dream it you can do it 
– Walt Disney

This quote is in line with knowing you can do whatever you desire. Stop doubting yourself! We are amazing creators. We can do anything we want. So, start dreaming and stop being afraid to make the life you have always wanted.

We like to say these quotes all through the day. My favorite quote is the last one. “If you can dream it you can do it” I believe this 100%. I say it to myself all of the time to remind myself that everything started as someone’s dream.  I am capable of anything and so are you.

We hope these quotes help keep you motivated this week and check back next Monday for more inspiring and motivating quotes.

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