Motivational Quote Inspired by The Secret

Today we thought we would share a wonderful quote by Henry Ford that we found while reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The Secret is an amazing and inspiring book. Basically,  life was hard for Rhonda Byrne. She was at her breaking point.  Noticing her mom’s struggle, her daughter gave her a read that she thought might help inspire an make her feel better.  It ended up being the start of Rhonda’s life journey. Today she is super successful and has published The Secret (among other books)  detailing how by changing her mindset she was able to achieve all of her goals. This book was a huge global phenomenon a couple of years back but the elements of the book hold very true to this day. Even Oprah loves it!

The Secret aims to help the reader recognize the power from within. Its goal is to help one realize that they can do or be whatever they want. The only limits we have are the ones we set on ourselves. If you like the Law of Attraction this book is definitely a must-read. Some people say this book is a great introductory to the Law of Attraction.

“Whenever you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you are right”

(Henry Ford) The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

In short, the Law of Attraction is the notion that whatever you think will be. So if you tell yourself you are awesome, you will be awesome. What you put your mind to you can manifest into your life. If you focus on your goals no matter what and do everything to try to achieve them odds are you will achieve your goals.  The trick is, you have to know your dreams are possible. You have to feel that what you want is already yours. When you eliminate self-doubt you become limitless.

The Secret is an easy read and there’s even a movie about it on Netflix.

If you would like to check out The Secret by Rhonda Byrne here is a link!



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