The Tea We’re Drinking: Mint Tea


The Tea We’re Drinking!

If you follow us on Instagram you may know that we have a major obsession with tea! Arlene has so much tea she has an entire stand dedicated to the glorious goodness! We are very into holistic medicine and look for natural ways to help minor issues. Tea is a fantastic place to start! There are so many benefits to herbal teas. We have decided to highlight a new tea every week!  This week it is all about Mint tea! There are so many brands that carry various blends. I personally like a peppermint tea but have tried spearmint quite a few times.

Herbel teas have been used for thousands of years as natural remedies for many issues. Listed below are some of the wonderful benefits of Mint.

Benefits of Mint Tea

– Improves Digestion

-Helps Prevent Nausea

-Boosts Immunity

-Reduces Stress Levels

-Helps IBS

-Relieves Bloating

-Helps Relieve Headaches

-Helps Sinuses

Here are links to some of our favorites!

Celestial Seasonings: link

Harney & Sons: link

Bigelow: link

Let us know if you would like us to elaborate more on the specific details and let us know what you would like us to try next!

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