Life Update: May and New Beginnings

In the month of May, we decided to take a huge leap and start working on projects we have always wanted to do but kept putting off. We always tell people things like “Make today the day you start working on your dreams” or “ There is never a good time to start something new. What is important is that you start”. So, with this in mind, we decided to listen to our own advice and start our Podcast & YouTube series.

Arlene and I love all things strange and paranormal. We will often talk for hours about all of the weird and creepy finds we see read or see online. We always wanted to do a paranormal series because we felt it would be so much fun. However, there was never a good time.  We are candle makers, not podcasters. How do we make a transition into a podcast on a topic that comes out of left field? We kept holding ourselves back with what is essentially a limiting belief system that was in essence based on fear and lack. Fear that no one will like our show or lack that we wouldn’t be good enough.

Then one day we thought, Who Cares? We lept right into the deep end and decided there is no time better than now to start tackling all of the projects we have been too afraid to start. That being said, we are also working on a companion comic to our Paranormal podcast. SO- stay tuned and we hope you enjoy all of the new things to come!

If you like what we do and want to support our new project, check out our Patreon! We appreciate all of the help we can get 🙂

You can find more info on the newest project on our Weird Wednesday tab.


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