Quotes About Happiness

Self-growth and self-love have been a priority for us. Today we are shifting the focus a little to Happiness. We often forget about happiness. It is seen as a luxury and something you only deserve after you have worked hard or will have once you reach your goals. There are many reasons why people don’t allow themselves to be happy. It is ok to feel joy and it is good to look for joy in whatever way that you can. Life is hard and life is not perfect. It is up to us to acknowledge the things that don’t make us happy but at the same time shifting our focus to what does.

If you need a little inspiration to smile here are 4 quotes we found all about happiness.

Quotes About Happiness

1. I will no longer allow the negative things in my life to spoil all of the good things I have.

2. Being happy doesn’t mean that every-
thing is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. 

3. Free your heart from hatred & your mind 
from worries 
– etta arlene

4. Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one door closes. run to the next window or break down the door. 
– brooke shields

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