On Being Happy

We have been super busy these past two weeks and have been slacking on our post schedule, but nevertheless, we are trying to get back to business as usual. Normally on Mondays (but not exclusively), we like to post something motivational for our readers.

This week we are a day late, though we had to share some good vibes for the week. I believe at the beginning of every day, every week, and every year you have the power to set your energy and your intention. For today and this week, our intention is for happiness and as always- self-love.

“Don’t let your happiness depend on anything outside of yourself.”

This is such a powerful quote. Seriously, think about what it is saying. How many times do you tell yourself “I’ll be happy after I lose this weight” or “I’ll be happy once I make more money” or “I’ll be happy when I am finally in a relationship”? Those are letting other people and things control your happiness. And what happens if somehow you gain the weight back or break up? Does that mean you can never be happy? We aren’t telling you to forget about your goals, that you can’t be sad when something bad happens, or that there won’t be tough times. What we are saying is you have to take your power back.  Things and people should aid in your joy but your happiness shouldn’t depend on them.

There is so much good in this world. There is so much good in you. When I am feeling down, I like to do a gratitude list. Take time out of your day and list of all of the things you are thankful for. For example, I am thankful for my car- it isn’t a brand new vehicle- but it is mine and a lot of people don’t have cars. Focus on what you have and all of your best qualities. Sure you might not be a size four but I bet you are stunning anyways and I know there are people who would kill for your curves. Change your mindset and flip the situation. Focus on how you can fix the things you don’t like and be thankful for how far you have come along.

“But what about when bad things happen or when things are out of my control?” First, it is absolutely ok to feel what you feel. Acknowledge your anger and hurt – don’t ignore it. After you have experienced this pain it is time to figure out how you can take your control back. How can you fix things? What good is left? Plus, the funny thing about life is time heals everything. Eventually, that pain will pass. You have to know it and want things to be better.

Finally, I find that a lot of your happiness and a lot of the tips we gave today are strongly influenced by loving yourself. When you love yourself what other people think don’t matter. When you treat yourself with love, you don’t settle. When you adore yourself you want to make your life happy. SO- if you don’t know where to start, start with learning to love yourself and watch how everything seems to fall into place.

With lots of love thanks for reading!

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