Creative Alternative to Dry Shampoo

Dry Shampoo is an amazing creation that can help extend the life of your look. It is a fact that washing your hair every day can dry out your hair so using dry shampoo helps you keep your locks healthy. However, traditional dry shampoo cannot only get costly can be a turn off if you are not into apply mystery chemicals all over your scalp.

Whether you are trying to avoid traditional dry shampoo or you simply ran out, here are


5 Creative Alternatives to Dry Shampoo

  1. Baby Powder – This is a well-known alternative to traditional dry shampoo. It smells amazing and is super cheap and you can find baby powder everywhere. You do not need to apply a lot so the bottle of powder tends to last for a very long time. There are no specific types of powder that is required for this method so feel free to use your favorite kind. Simply sprinkle the powder on your roots and comb through your hair. Works great on all hair colors but if you are a dark-hair beauty you may want to double-check to be sure there is no white residue.
  2. Cornstarch – For this method, people often will miz cocoa powder or cinnamon depending on hair color. You can blend the cocoa and cinnamon or just use them each on their own.  Both are also great at absorbing extra oils. Simply apply to roots with a powder brush as needed.
  3. Arrowroot – This is my absolute favorite dry shampoo alternative. I mix mine with cocoa powder but like above with the cornstarch, feel free to add cinnamon (or just cinnamon) based on hair color. For light hair, you can add a little of your favorite essential oil and forgo the cocoa or cinnamon. Arrowroot absorbs very, very well and as a woman who doesn’t like strange chemicals – this is my favorite all natural method.
  4. Dryer Sheets – Yes, dryer sheets. Now, this isn’t the best if your hair is super, super oily. However, this method will make your hair smell amazing and lightly absorb access oils.
  5. Baking Soda – I love baking soda as a shampoo alternative when in the shower but it also works great as a dry shampoo. It will help with ph levels on the scalp and absorbs odors and oils. It actually gets rid of smells vs hiding them. It also adds volume.


Collagen Pop

Linked below are some of our faves!

  1. Baby Powder
  2. Cornstarch
  3. Arrowroot
  4. Dryer Sheets
  5. Baking Soda
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