What are Indigo, Crystal, & Rainbow Kids? Are you one?

SO- I’m not going to lie, I love this stuff. I find the entire idea of Starseeds* & Lightworkers* so interesting. Pop culture has been infiltrated with the term “Indigo Child” with plenty of artists claiming to be one.  That being said, I was already familiar with the term. But, more recently I discovered that Indigos are not the only ones out here trying to change the world. Allow me to introduce you to Crystal Kids and Rainbow kids. Today I am going to breakdown the traits for all three and let you decide if you are one!


Indigo souls are the first to enter our world. They are considered spiritual warriors who are brought here to breakdown old systems. They are here to pave the way for the next generation of Lightworkers. It is said they would have been born starting in the ’60s to the early ’90s. Don’t worry if you were born before or after this timeframe, there can be overlap AND it is said that “scouts” were born before the wave. Indigos are badasses who are out here fighting the system for the overall good.  To those who follow this stuff, they would find it as no surprise that the Hippies were out here in the 60s fighting the man up to the modern day millennials today questioning, changing, and “ruining” everything.  Indigos do question social norms and are not ok with systems that harm or take advantage of people, animals, and the earth. (Note: Indigos often are parents to Crystal and Rainbow children)


  1. Rule Breaker / Question Authority
  2. Hates Following Orders
  3. Strong Desire to Change the World ie “Burn it Down”
  4. Rebel
  5. Passionate Truthseeker
  6. Highly Creative
  7. Empathic & Highly Intuitive – some even claim to have psychic abilities
  8. Feelings of Having a Higher Purpose
  9. Free Thinker
  10. Protectors


It is believed that Crystals arrived on this earth in the mid-late ’90s to the 2010s. They are the next wave of Lightworkers here to re-build the old systems the Indigos are breaking down. Though they are young they are often considered to have old souls – many of them often claim to have strong memories of past lives. Their key purpose is to show the world forgiveness and serve as guides.


  1. Very Loving
  2. Penetrative Eyes
  3. Patient
  4. Artistic
  5. Sensitive
  6. Lack of Fear & Worry
  7. Healers
  8. Telepathic
  9. Hates Fighting
  10. Slightly Clingy to Parents


Rainbows are here to build upon what the Indigos and Crystals started. It is thought that Rainbows have been born in the 2000s and on. They are new souls and as a result, they are often seen as very “happy go lucky” and vibrate very high. Everything is awesome. Their mission is to heal and rebalance the world. They are here to share their love and light.


  1. Magnetic
  2. Loving & Generous
  3. Sweet but Strong-Willed
  4. Telepathic
  5. Large Captivating Eyes
  6. Creative
  7. Balls of Sunshine
  8. Very Forgiving (never holds a grudge)
  9. Fearless
  10. Empathic

In Closing- Indigos, Crystals, and Rainbows are a team here to usher in the new wave of thinking. They are here to raise the energy of the planet & prep the world for a new conciseness that replaces fear and hate with love and light! 

If that wasn’t too “Woowoo” for you and you would like to hear us talk about it more, check out our podcast episode linked below 🙂 The second half is all about these amazing Lightworkers.

*Starseed: Star people (New Age belief), individuals who believe they originated from another world, dimension, or planet. A starseed will incarnate as a regular human on earth, sharing the same original divine origins and purpose on a higher level of being.

*Lightworker: Their purpose is to wake up the people and connect them with their true Divine spirit. There are a lot of different types of Lightworkers that may overlap with the idea of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow.

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