How to Create the Perfect Meditation Space

Having a meditation space is a nice addition to your practice. You can meditate anywhere. Outdoors is a favorite and of course meditation in bed is always great for when you are just waking up or before you fall asleep. However, a spot in your home designated for meditation is nice because it can promote instant relaxation and allows you to be in full control of the energy at that moment.  A place designated for meditation in your home can be anywhere. It doesn’t have to be an entire room. It can be a spot in your bedroom. It can be a flex space in your living room where you keep all of your meditation essentials and pull them out when it is time to meditation. There are so many options and there is no right or wrong way to create your own place for meditation. Below are some essentials for when you first start designing your space.

For this, we are going to go through the five senses. You may know that meditation involves focusing on your breathing. But, there is also a meditation technique that places focus on each one of the senses to help calm the mind and help get into the zone. To do this you would bring your attention to the sounds, scents, tastes, sight, and touch one at a time. That being said, your space will want to have relaxing components for all of these senses.


Find this crystal here.

Make sure your space is clean and not overly cluttered. Too much stuff can overstimulate the mind and your goal when you go to meditate is to calm your thoughts. You will want to have relaxing images, plants, and visual items that promote good vibes. In addition, we recommend setting up a few different crystals to help promote positive energy in your space. If you want to really create strong energy during meditation, have a crystal associated with what you are meditating on. If you want to feel more loving energy, use rose quartz or use a crystal associated with relaxation if you are simply trying to unwind.


Select a spot where you will not be too disturbed by noises. So, for example, I have a neighbor who loves to play really loud music sometimes in the evenings. I have chosen to place my meditation spot away from that window near their house. Have some sort of device that you can play music, guided meditations, or relaxing sounds off of.  Meditating with headphones is always an option (and at times preferred) if you have a difficult time controlling the sounds in your home.  Create a meditation playlist, find earth sounds, guided meditations – like the one above or use calming Hz music.


Learn more about this Reiki and essential oil candle here.

Oil diffusers, candles, or incense are great options to help fill the space with pleasant scents. Try to stick with subtle and nature smells that will not overwhelm you. In addition, candles, incense, and oil diffusers can help clear the energy in your room. A great way to promote good vibes during meditation is to use one of these tools. Above is one of our Reiki candles that is infused with Reiki with a focus on relaxation. It is great to use during meditation because it clears negative energy and adds calming energy in its place.


More details on this cushion here.

When you meditate you want to be comfortable. You want to make sure you are cozy so your thoughts aren’t isolated to how cold you are or how stiff your back is getting. Have pillows, blankets, yoga mats, cushions, or meditation pillows. You don’t need to have all of these things. Choose what will suit you and what accommodates your comfort. We recommend having a rug as well that designates your space. Put all of your cozy meditation items on the rug.


Learn more about this tea here. 

So, you may think this is a weird one because who is eating anything during meditation anyways? For this one, you may want to have an herbal tea that promotes relaxation and cleanses your palate of any strong tastes. You can also have tea for after when you take time to reflect on your meditation and any lessons you may have learned. Our sense of smell and tastes are closely related so having the soft scent of lavender (for example) can add a subtle taste of it as well. The goal is to have a pleasant as a meditation experience as possible.


Meditation is a personal experience and your meditation space should reflect that. The most important thing is that this space is tailored to you and your meditation needs. There is no wrong way to set up your spot for meditation. What is calming for some people might not be so for others. Make it looks, sound, smell, and be the way you like!


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