Learning about the Law of Attraction is addictive.
Once you read one book about it, you’re instantly looking for the next one. The Law of Attraction helps you recognize your inner power and that you have the ability to have, be, and do whatever you want. This is a list of our favorite law of attraction books, especially if you are new to the Law of Attraction and want to learn more.
What is the Law of Attraction?
So, there a plenty of ways people define the Law of Attraction. It is considered one of the universal laws. It basically is the belief that what you put out into the universe, you will attract to you. You can see the law of attraction in motion all of the time. For example, if you smile at someone they will typically smile back. Now, the law of attraction also takes into account your feelings and beliefs that shape your reality. If you think you are going to have a bad day in the morning and keep that belief going odds, are you will have a bad day. To use the law of attraction you pretty much employ mindfulness techniques, affirmations, and paying attention to your thoughts. To use the law of attraction you would want to keep your vibration high so that you are able to attract more high vibrational situations. You would want to have clarity on your goals so that you are able to attract situations into your life that help you achieve them.
If you would like to read an article we wrote about manifesting your dreams, you can find it here.
Top 5 Law of Attraction Books
Now, we can let the professionals tell you all about the Law of Attraction with these books below.

The Secret –
Back in the early 2000’s this book was huge and introduced the mainstream to the Law of Attraction. It is a great starter book if you are just learning what it is and how it works. Some people feel that it is too basic, but we think it is very empowering and a great read when you want to dip a toe into the concept of the Law of Attraction.
In addition, The Secret is also a movie. If you would rather watch it instead of reading- that is a great option too.
You Are a Badass –
This is another good starter book for The Law of Attraction. It has less of a “woo woo” vibe and can be less intimidating compared to some of the other books we are going to mention on the list. This is an awesome read if you are just getting into ideas of mindfulness, meditation, and universal laws.
In this book, Jen Sincero inspires the reader through her journey to realizing her true potential & how she decided to take control of her life. In the back of the book, she has lists of all of the books she read to help her get to where she is today. She lists several Law of Attraction books including some of the ones on our list. After reading her book I bought all of the ones she suggested. She really amped up my love for the universal laws.

You Can Heal Your Life –
I adore this book. This is actually one of the books I ordered right after I finished You Are A Badass. This is all in Law of Attraction. Louise Hay pushes the idea of affirmations and raising your vibration to an entirely new level. You really will have the opportunity to learn the power of affirmations and your subconscious mind. The beauty of her book is that it centers around the idea of loving yourself and how when you love yourself you can manifest anything. There is so much more to this book and I am telling you, if you really want to get into personal healing through the Law of Attraction, this is your book.
In addition, Hay House is the publisher for a lot of Law of Attraction books that are popular. She is one of the people who inspired many of the new Law of Attraction / Self-Help authors popping up today. She has definitely inspired us! If you want to learn from one of the original teachers, you have found it here.

Thoughts Are Things (But Bob Proctor in General) –
We love Bob Proctor. He is also an author who inspired You Are a Badass. He is another favorite in the Law of Attraction realm. His books are great if you are looking to use the Law of Attraction for among other things manifesting wealth. As a business owner, I adore his book You Were Born Rich.
Bob Proctor was highly inspired by the teachings of Napolean Hill. We are going to do a list of Law of Attraction books on abundance but if you want to get a head start check out Think and Grow Rich. It will open you up to an entirely new way of thinking around success, abundance, and money.

The Law of Attraction–
So, by now you are probably all in when it comes to learning the Law of Attraction and this is a great book to do so with. I was intimidated at first and honestly turned off when I first learned about it. Basically, the book is a channeled message by Abraham Hicks. Abraham is a high vibrational teacher that is channeled through Esther Hicks. Literally, I wanted nothing to do this with this book until – one day I did and it is AMAZING.
They say this book comes to those who are ready to read it. One of the other Abraham books even addresses the idea that people buy it, put it away (probably for reasons I did), and then one day they are called to read it when they are ready. Either way, it is one of the easiest to follow Law of Attraction books I have read. It is so inspiring and uplifting. After reading it, I was so motivated and felt like I could seriously be or do anything.
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