Top Law of Attraction Books for Abundance

The Law of Attraction is addictive.

Once you read one book about it, you want to keep on reading more! It’s like your learning never ends. The Law of Attraction can be applied to every aspect of your life. Today we want to talk about the Law of Attraction and abundance. Below are a few awesome books about manifesting more abundance and money into your life.

With the Law of Attraction, we know that our thoughts create our reality. The books we are listing off today discuss ways to overcome a lack mindset and start gaining more abundance in life today.

If you are new to the Law of Attraction, check out our list of books for beginners. In that post, we also discuss a little more in-depth about what the Law of Attraction is. Find it here.

Top Law of Attraction Books for Abundance

You Are a Badass ar Making Money – We love Jen Sincero and this is a great book if you are just learning the Law of Attraction. This is a light version of the Law of Attraction but she clearly uses its teachings to explain how to gain more financial stability and abundance.  On her path to success, she studied many well-known law of attraction authors and shares her understanding with the reader.

It is lighthearted and fun to read. If you are looking for a less “mystical” book, this is for you.






You Were Born Rich – Bob Proctor is an amazing law of attraction teacher and this book focuses on understanding your self-worth and changing your thinking around money. It is a favorite and great for whether you are an entrepreneur or trying to gain more success with work.

It teaches how to change your mindset and attract more abundance in your life.







Think and Grow Rich – This book by Napolean Hill inspired Bob Proctor. It is one of the old school Law of Attraction books that teaches how what we think we create. It is definitely a great read if you are seeking out manifesting more opportunities for financial gain.








The Science of Getting Rich – Written in 1910 this books is made up of 17 chapters that explain how to overcome mental barriers preventing you from abundance. It teaches how creation, not competition is the secret key to wealth.









It Works – This is a super short book but packed full of the good stuff. It was written in 1926 by an anonymous author. It teaches the secrets to success and is a great easy to get through law of attraction book.

It teaches the law of attraction in it’s simplest form and even though it is short – it is totally inspiring and motivating.








The Master Key System -This book is considered one of the main books that inspired Rhonda Byrnes, The Secret. It has 24 chapters and was originally designed to be a 24-week course.








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