Reiki Healing to Increase Intuition

Lately, we have been thinking a lot about the ego and intuition. Maybe I should say ego vs intuition.  Our egos are responsible for our personal identity and operating in the real world. Our egos want us to survive. But, it is so intense in regards to our safety that it can keep us stuck in loops and situations that do not help us grow. Our ego is also responsible for facilitating in negative thought patterns which definitely hold us back and make us feel like crap.  When we release ego-based thinking and thought patterns we start to allow our intuition to come to the surface.

The intuition gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning. It is like bridging the gap of the conscious and subconscious parts of our mind. Our intuition allows for our inner guidance to help us out. We are able to access the wisdom of our higher selves. This type of wisdom can do wonders for our lives.

Below is Reiki healing to help increase your intuition.

For this video, all you need to do is be open to receiving the energy. You may play it in the background while you work and even play it on silent. We recommend our clients sit or lay in a comfortable position taking these few moments for themselves. You may meditate, though it is not required.

For more information on Reiki check out our Reiki Page Here.

Want to book a personal session? Find more details Here.

Releasing The Ego

First and foremost recognize when you are having an ego-based thought. These are normally negative and ultimately do not serve your highest good. They are limiting or lack based. Analyze how you feel. If the thought makes you feel bad, you are most likely engaging in egoic thinking.  Isolate that thought and release it. Even better, replace the thought with something positive like an affirmation.

You can do this all throughout the day and before you know it you will clear the space in your head for more higher thinking.




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