New Moon Fresh Starts Oracle Reading

We believe that everyone receives messages when they are supposed to.

If you have been called to this blog post there is something here for you. There is some healing in these words and something for you to take from this reading today.

The reading was done in new moon energy using the moon phase oracle deck.

For this reading, we asked our angels and guides for information centered around fresh starts. We did a New Moon spread but, the information is for anyone at any time as the reading will find those who it is meant to when they need it the most.



  1. What is rising within me?

  2. What is the main message?

  3. What is the final outcome?



What is rising within me? 

New Moon“A new start is coming!”

This is a positive card that suggests that there are energies within you rising to the surface centered around new beginnings. We thought this was such a fitting card for our Fresh Starts reading! Something new and exciting is in the works or new revelations are being made in regards to something you are involved with already.  This card indicates that whatever it is, it is blessed. You are starting all over again in some way. It could be a new or better course of action or just an overall newfound feeling of positivity about achieving your goals.  If you have been feeling stagnant remember that life is in cycles and you are on your way to a new one.  To support your growth clear toxic people and situations from your life. Release past worried and see the void of the new moon as space for positive possibilities to come.


What is the main message?

New Moon in LeoAnother new moon card!

This time it is in Leo, powerful energy associated with confidence and self-love.  Confidence is the key to success.  It is time to shine your light.   You are manifesting something good but, New Moon in Leo reminds you to do the work and take the steps to receive it.  Don’t be afraid of this work or going outside of your comfort zone.  Stop playing small. You are on the edge of something magnificent, with a new start or new cycle linked to amazing possibilities. But again, you have to put in the work and get into alignment with what you want.  Remember that you are supported by the universe.  If you need help and additional guidance, connect with your spirit team. You can do this by going into your heart center and meditating on the situation. Use affirmations to help. I got a lot of “Queen/King energy” with this card. Step into that energy. Be proud of who you are. You don’t need to rely on others to tell you this. Know it is so – reflect it – SHINE YOUR LIGHT.


What is the final outcome?

Full Moon in Pisces – YES

I love that we close the reading with a full moon card. Full moons represent the end of the lunar cycle. Initially, when this card was pulled I felt like it represented the balance between spirituality and practicality is the required work spoken of in the 2nd card. I thought that the balance was needed to achieve that regal energy. But, then the guides brought to my attention the idea of the completed cycle.  The outcome of the new growth and embodiment of your light creates wholeness. It creates a balance between the physical and the spiritual. When you are authentically you – something that is rising within you – you embody and feel the completed circle. This card loops back to the idea of diving into our emotions and spirituality yet staying present in and creating concrete plans in the physical world. It is all interconnected. By taking action to be authentic and accepting the new possibilities you create that balance yet visa versa. Balancing the spiritual and physical work manifests new possibilities and helps you embody your light.

The theme is “cycles” and how are healing is interconnected.


For additional clarity, we recommend going within.

Everyone can receive guidance from their spirit team. All you have to do is ask. Meditation is a great tool to receive more insight into your life. Often we will meditate on a question and the answers will come while in meditation or sometime shortly after. Another great way to receive guidance is through your dreams. Before bed ask your spirit team to give you clear guidance on a situation while you sleep. When you wake in the morning, write down your dreams. Keep a dream journal for a few days and see what comes to you.


If you like this Moon Phase Deck  you can find it at the link below:

Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Bond, artwork by Nyx Rowan


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