These are our top picks of crystals designed to complement each zodiac sign. Birthstones are stones that are associated with each month and can be a little bit different from birthstones connected with the zodiac signs. This is because zodiac signs are not exclusively on one particular month, there is overlap. When we talk about crystals for the zodiac signs, there are modern zodiac/crystal associations, traditional, and ancient. In this article, we discuss our favorite modern associations, but we do touch on the other two. Crystals and Astrology are so much fun and we adore the way they can work together! To learn more about each subject, find an amazing book on our book recommendations page.

Aries (3/21 to 4/19) – Carnelian
Ancient Stones: Amethyst & Bloodstone
Traditional Stones: Emerald & Diamond
Keywords: Ambition, Energy, & Action
Aries is a fire sign and carnelian is the perfect crystal to match that energy. It helps Aries to channel the power associated with the zodiac sign effectively. Carnelian is linked to action, ambition, and energy just like Aries. It also encourages letting go of negative thoughts, while boosting confidence. It will help Aries to speak their truths to the fullest with courage and passion. At the same time, Carnelian has a calming effect to help Aries stay chill and worry-free. Grab one here
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20) – Pyrite & Peridot
Ancient Stone: Emerald
Traditional Stone: Emerald
Keywords: Responsibility, Confidence, & Abundance
These crystals will help Taurus stay positive, have courage, and trust their inner wisdom. Peridot is known to promote responsibility, forgiveness, and linked to the frequency of increase. Pyrite is associated with confidence, protection, and abundance. Both crystals will help Taurus gain the benefits and abundance from their hard work and perseverance. Get Peridot crystal here & Pyrite here.

Gemini (5/21 to 6/20) – Jade & Labradorite
Ancient Stones: Agate & Sapphire
Traditional Stone: Agate
Keywords: Friendship, Balance, & Peace
The stunning Jade stone is associated with good luck and friendship. It helps to remove negative energy and restore balance. Labradorite has many colors, just as Gemini has multiple sides. It is a wonderful stone whose energy compliments the many sides of Gemini. Buy Jade & Labradorite.

Cancer (6/21 to 7/22) – Red Jasper & Moonstone
Ancient Stone: Ruby
Traditional Stone: Ruby
Keywords: Grounding, Soothing, and Protection
Red Jasper helps to ground the emotions of Cancer. It helps with overcoming adversity and facilitates Cancer in being a stable support for others. Moonstone is said to help Cancer harness the energy of the moon. It is very representative of Cancer’s connection to the moon and water. It not only soothes the emotions but helps Cancers with inspiration and intuition. Get Red Jasper & Moonstone.

Leo (7/23 to 8/22) – Tigers Eye
Ancient Stone: Onyx
Traditional Stones: Peridot & Tigers Eye
Keywords: Growth & Personal Power
Tigers eye aids with soul evolution and growth. This stone combines the energy of the sun and the earth creating balance for Leo. It also helps harness the power of Leo’s strong will for their highest good. Its association with the sun helps Leo shine their light to the fullest. Added benefits for Leo are confidence, abundance, happiness, and unblocked creativity. Get Tigers Eye here.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22) – Moss Agate & Snowflake Obsidian
Ancient Stones: Peridot & Blue Sapphire
Traditional Stones: Amazonite, Garnet, & Zircon
Keywords: Calming & Grounding
Both Moss Agate and Snowflake Obsidian compliment the earth energies associated with Virgo, providing inner-peace and grounding. Moss Agates aids with seeing the beauty in all, something that aids detail-oriented Virgos. It helps relieve the stress of perfection and allows Virgo to open their heart by connecting with the wisdom of nature. Get Moss Agate & Snowflake Obsidian.

Libra (9/23-10/22) – Sodalite & Labradorite
Ancient Stone: Saphire
Traditional Stones: Pink Tourmaline, & Bloodstone
Keywords: Harmony & Wisdom
Libras promote harmony and are natural-born communicators. Sodalite aids in speaking one’s truths. It will enhance Libra’s gifts. It is a wonderful companion stone for Libras aiding in expressing their wisdom and being more true to themselves. In addition, Labradorite helps Libras release anxiety, find calm, balance, and hope. Get Sodalite & Labradorite.

Scorpio (10/23 to 11/21) – Citrine & Malachite
Ancient Stones: Peridot & Agate
Traditional Stones: Turquoise, Malachite, & Golden Topaz
Keywords: Happiness & Intuition
Both Citrine and Malachite can restore tranquility to Scorpio. Citrine will create feelings of joy and peace. It will help boost creativity, turn thoughts into actions, and enhance Scorpio’s intuition. Malachite is a wonderful stone for Scorpio because it facilitates emotional healing. Get Citrine & Malachite.

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21) – Tigers Eye & Blue Topaz
Ancient Stones: Amethyst, Turquoise, & Blue Topaz
Traditional Stones: Lapis Lazuli, Blue Topaz, & Vesuvianite
Keywords: Ambition & Strength
Tigers eye will help enhance the free-spirited Sagittarius qualities. It will empower them to go after their dreams and pursue their ambitions fully. Tigers eye facilitates Sagittarius in staying confident and strong. Topaz is associated with Sagittarius’ ruling planet of Jupiter, connecting these energies for the highest good of Sagittarius. Get Tigers Eye & Blue Topaz.

Capricorn (12/22 – 1/19) – Garnet
Ancient Stones: Peridot Gemstones & Agate
Traditional Stones: Agate, Garnet, & Vesuvianite
Keywords: Inner-Peace & Energy
Garnet will complement the nature of this go-getter. It will light a fire within Capricorn. In addition, it helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Garnet is wonderful for creating an uptick in energy within the body. It is a beautiful stone that was once known to be adorned by royalty. Get Garnet.

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18) – Amethyst & Aquamarine
Ancient Stones: Garnet & Amethyst
Traditional Stones: Garnet & Amethyst
Keywords: Balance & Healing
Aquamarine compliments Aquarius’s ideals centered around community and aids in the practice of forgiveness. Amethyst helps in bringing healing to the body and spirit creating a sense of balance. This crystal also promotes inner-calm and healing. Get Amethyst and Aquamarine.

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20) – Aquamarine
Ancient Stones: Lapis Lazuli & Turquoise
Traditional Stones: Aquamarine & Turquoise
Keywords: Inner-Calm & Grounding
This stone literally translates to “water of the sea” and thought to be the treasure of the mermaids. For this, it goes together perfectly with the water-energy of Pisces. Aquamarine helps the sensitive nature of Pisces. It carries soothing energy that is great for calming and can be used to aid in grounding. Get Aquamarine.
There are so many crystals and ways to use them with astrology. We love all of these stones and the way their energy enhances each sign. To discover more about astrology, check out our book recommendations here.
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