This is a time for the celebration of the earth, abundance, and the beauty all around us. The June Solstice is a stunning time of high energy supported by the New Moon in Cancer AND a Solar Eclipse. It’s an amazing period and a seriously magical time. We love it!

Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is on June 20 or 21 (based on your location). It marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also the longest day of the year. The ancients believed during this time the veil between the worlds is thin. The nature spirits are seen as being more active, even making themselves known. It is a wonderful time to connect. Connect to your intuition, your spirit team, and the earth energies all around you.
Divine Sun Energy
As we mentioned this marks the time of the longest day. The winter is the longest night. There is the sun and the moon. The divine masculine and the divine feminine. The moon energy is amazing but, we often overlook the divine energies associated with the sun. On the longest day – let’s really harness that magnificent, action-oriented energy. Note that the solar eclipse and new moon energy will already be supporting progressive energy of change. So, will our Sun.
The sun is the strongest and most powerful during the Summer Solstice. See the sunrise as full of promise and the sunsets as the peace. The sun is the lifeforce of the earth. Really harness the energy of the Sun during this time. Use it to revitalize your mind, body, and soul. Use it to push you towards the necessary steps needed to embody the best version of you.
Summer Solstice & Mother Earth
The sun supports the earth. How can you honor and support the planet? Use this time to align with the sun, the moon, and the amazing energy of our mother earth. An amazing Solstice ritual is to connect with the earth and find wisdom from her.
- Find a comfortable place outside. If this is not an option, sit in a window and if possible bring nature around you with plants. Set up your sacred space. Tip: Have a notebook handy.
- Close your eyes and connect to your heart center.
- Set an intention to connect with the planet. “I connect with the Earth and attune my energy to the nature that is all around me. With this connection, I ask for a sign or message to guide me about [insert question].” You can also set a more general intention connecting to the earth, attuning to her energy, and asking for a sign that the earth energies of the highest good are near.
- Breath deeply feeling your connection to the earth.
- Open your eyes gently when you feel called to. What is the first thing you notice? What stands out? What do you feel and what feelings or thoughts come to mind at what you see? Are there any messages that come to you? These can be quick thoughts, smells, feelings, whispers in your ear, or even visuals. We recommend writing anything that comes to mind down.
- Close your eyes again. Take in several deep breaths and feel gratitude for the earth and what she has shown you.
This is a magical time for manifestation, abundance, and growth. It is also a perfect moment to connect with the energies of the moon, the sun, and especially the earth. Celebrate the magnificence around you and find power in being apart of such an amazing planet!