19 Powerful for Affirmations for an Awesome 2019

The new year has arrived and it is time to decide how 2019 is going to be. I know you may be thinking how can you just decide how a year would be only a few days in? Well, you are in full control of every aspect of your life and believe it our not what you believe sets the tone for how your life will be. SO- by starting the new year off with a positive vibe you are creating a head start for a great year.

What are affirmations? Affirmations are statements designed to affirm outcomes in your life. They are words that affect the conscious and subconscious mind. For example, if you say you are going to have a bad day, odds are your day will be bad. BUT, if you go into your day saying it will be amazing I guarantee it will more than likely be a good day. You can use affirmations in every aspect of your life.

Affirmations work because when you say them over and over again you eventually will start to believe them. They can do wonders for your self-esteem and when you love yourself your life transforms in ways you never thought could be possible.

Here is our list of 19 Affirmations for an Awesome 2019!

  1. I have the ability to reach all of my goals in 2019.
  2. This year I am ready and open to living my best life.
  3. Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals in 2019.
  4. This is the year I decide to be the best version of me.
  5. 2019 will be full of positivity and self-love.
  6. This year I have decided to pursue my dreams to the fullest.
  7.  All of my goals are achievable.
  8. I release all fear and doubt.
  9. I am in full control of my life.
  10. My energy attracts all good things into my life.
  11. I choose to live a year full of love and self-acceptance.
  12. In 2019 I refuse to let fear control my life.
  13. I forgive myself for the past and move forward towards my highest good. 
  14. I am smart enough, pretty enough, and good enough.
  15. This year I choose to be kind to myself.
  16. I am open to receiving joy. 
  17. I let go of all negativity and decide to focus on the good. 
  18. 2019 is the year I have decided to transform my life.
  19. This is the year my dreams become my reality. 

For more Self-Love inspiration check out our FREE downloadable book, Things to Know About Self Love HERE

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