Top Go-To Affirmations for Everyday

We talk a lot about affirmations. But, this is because they are a big deal. They have the power to change your entire life. Today we wanted to share a list of our favorite go-to daily affirmations. These are basic affirmations that we like to use when there isn’t a specific goal in mind and we just want to keep a positive vibration in general for the day.

What Are Affirmations?

If you are new to our site or to affirmations lets talk about what they are. Affirmations are mantras, “I am” statements used to help reprogram our minds. We all use affirmations all day with or without knowing it. Any time you make a statement about yourself or your life situation you are saying an affirmation. If you start to pay attention to the words you use, you may notice a lot of these statements are negative – even if you are joking.

We believe the words we use shape our lives. To take control of your life, start by looking at the words you use. What you say you believe as true, and what you believe you will become. When we put our selves down all of the time there is no incentive to bring ourselves up. If you say you are stupid, you will believe it, and you won’t seek out learning – whats the point your stupid anyways. BUT if you say I am smart – you will do what smart people do.

SO- affirmations aren’t hard. Usually, we like to say pick one that stands out to you and your life and use it throughout the day. Anytime you feel yourself feeling down- use that affirmation. Below is a list of our favorite go-to basic affirmations that will definitely lift you up today.



I am thankful for a new day. – We love to start our day off with gratitude. A good tip to help you feel awesome in the morning is to also do a gratitude list. This can be a simple internal list that you do before you get out of bed OR you can physically write down all of the things you are grateful for while doing breakfast 🙂

I am letting go of all negativity. – Let go of any negativity you may be caring. Being negative does not serve you. Looking at the bright side of every situation will. Focus on the good all day.I am successful at everything I do. – This is a very important affirmation because it will help you stay motivated. Be your own cheerleader today.

I am successful at everything I do. – This is a very important affirmation because it will help you stay motivated. Be your own cheerleader today.

I am smart.– This affirmation is simple and some may even find it silly but we think that it is great because it reminds you that you are a strong and capable being. You have the ability to make wise choices. You have the capacity to do your job well.

I am beautiful. – Say this affirmation every time you look in the mirror. It will do wonders for your self-confidence and make you feel powerful. These are love words that you are saying to yourself. When you love yourself, you can take on the world.

I am not my mistakes. – We are human. We make mistakes. The important thing to remember today is that you absolutely are not your mistakes. This affirmation is great for self-esteem and healing.

I release fear and worry. – Fear and Worry can take over our lives if we let them. We can get caught in a loop of stressing about things that have already happened or haven’t happened yet. Focus on the present moment you are in. It is ok to feel worried or fear, however as fast as they come LET THEM GO. Don’t let them hold you back from living your dreams.

I believe in myself and my abilities. – It is easy to find ways to put ourselves down. Use this affirmation to remind yourself that you are capable of amazing things. This is an awesome affirmation when you need a boost in confidence.

I am loved. – No matter what know that you are loved. Sometimes we can isolate ourselves and get allow ourselves to feel like no one cares. In truth, we know there is someone out there who loves you. In addition, you should be loving yourself. When you deal with hostile people or situations remind yourself that above all you are loved.

I am enough. – So, we live in a society that has a way of constantly making us feel like we need to be more. I’m not saying don’t strive to be the best version of you. Be ambitious. Go for your dreams. The problem is when we don’t feel that we are worthy of the things we want or when we feel like we are never enough. Trust me, you are beautiful, strong, and awesome just the way you are.

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1 thought on “Top Go-To Affirmations for Everyday

  1. Love these. I’m trying to remind myself to say affirmations in the morning because lately i havent been saying them at all. Thanks for the list !

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