The Crown Chakra – How to Tell If It Is Blocked & How to Fix It

Today we are launching our series all about the Chakras! In short, we have 7 major chakras. They are located at special points in the body and are energy centers that represent certain aspects of you. When the energy at these points is disrupted, imbalanced, or blocked you can often feel out of sorts and even sick. That is just a short description of chakras. There is so much more about them, so we decided to breakdown each one, one at a time. The first one we are focusing on is the crown.

image via Pinterest

Today we are going to focus on the Crown Chakra!

Your Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head. It is connected to your higher consciousness and the part beyond your ego. It is associated with spirituality and your connection to your true self. When you develop your crown chakra you become more aware of consciousness itself. It can bring peace and harmony into your life.  You begin to have feelings of interconnectedness and understand that we are all One, united with each other and spirit.

Signs Your Crown Chakra is Blocked

  1. Feelings of loneliness.
  2. Greed. You are strongly attached to material things. This is not the same as just wanting nice things. It is a feeling that material items are what matter, are what define you. The material overshadows the desire for the spiritual.
  3. You are obsessed with status and achievement but not in regards to personal development for yourself or your personal growth. You aren’t working for your greater good and your status is what defines your being.  Think titles, labels, adhering to social norms, etc.
  4. Feelings of unworthiness. If the material world defines you, you feel a void. Your value is dictated by others, status, and possessions. Your view of yourself is dictated by societal standards.
  5. Anger and unrest. You may have feelings of abandonment or aggression associated with the idea that spirit has abandoned you.
  6. Disconnected from spirituality and you do not feel guidance from a higher power.
  7. You may have a difficult time letting go, harp on things in this physical plane, and obsess over things that may not serve you.
  8. It may be difficult to make simple decisions because you are not as connected to your intuition.
  9. You may also feel sad, hopeless, and take on self-destructive behaviors.
  10. Physically you may have migraines, tension headaches, forgetfulness, hair loss, and chronic exhaustion.

Ways to Fix Your Crown Chakra

  1. Reiki– A session can help balance your chakras. Above is distant Reiki healing with a focus on balancing the Crown Chakra
  2. Meditation – We love meditation. There is a strong connection to meditation and your crown chakra. Visualize a light glowing on your crown and set an intention of connection.
  3. Love & Help Others – By focusing on helping people you are pushing your ego aside and working on releasing your attachment to the material world because you are actively giving. When you help other people you will begin to connect to the world more.
  4. Crystals-Wear and meditate with crystals like amethyst, clear quartz, or selenite.
  5. Essential Oils– Light incense or us essential oils like lavender, sage, or frankincense.
  6.  Affirmations – Meditate with and use affirmations like “I am divinely guided and inspired” or one as simple as “I am.”
  7. Sound Therapy – 963 hz or 432hz
  8. Yoga – There are special yoga practices like Savasana and Vrksasana, that have a focus on chakra healing.


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