Self-love & Forgiveness

Today we are focusing on self-love and forgiveness. We always say how important it is to love yourself. However, a key part of loving yourself is forgiveness.

You are not your mistakes -ettaarlene

You have to let go of the mistakes you made in the past and forgive yourself. No one is perfect and no one has to be. We have to get rid of the notion that our pasts define us. We have to move on from what happened and bring our attention to the journey at hand.

We like to do this exercise every day. Meditate for at least 10 minutes. Once you are finished take out a notepad and list out everything that you want to forgive. Forgive yourself for whatever comes to mind. Nothing is too silly or too big. YOU DESERVE FORGIVENESS. Once you have finished, make a new list. This list is all about gratitude. List out everything you are thankful for. Again, nothing is too silly and there are no wrong answers.  Be thankful for your beautiful hair or the awesome dinner you had last night. Start appreciating your life! Start shifting your mindset and being happy about how far you have come and where you are taking your life to next.



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