Taste Test: Vegan Mac & Cheese VS Vegan Alfredo


So, the other day we discovered Vegan Mac & Cheese at our local grocery store. Finding instant vegan food at a regular grocery store is AMAZING. There were two flavors of pasta for us to pick from. Out of pure hunger and joy, we decided to get both.

Cooking the pasta was super easy. The Mac & Cheese and Alfredo both come in a box holding a bag of pasta along with a pack of vegan cheese.

It looks like there isn’t much in the packages, but it definitely seems to yield a decent amount when it is cooked. We also loved that it does not come as a cheese powder and does not require any additional ingredients. All you have to do is first boil the water. 


Make sure to boil for the exact amount of time on the box. It is very easy to overcook this particular type of noodle. When it is all done boiling, drain the water, and add the cheesy sauce. That is it. It is so easy to make!

(Ta Da! Vegan Alfredo & Vegan Mac & Cheese)

Now that the food was done. How did it taste? They both tasted great. As a former cheese lover… this stuff tasted just as good if not better then the real deal. The Mac & Cheese was Arlene’s favorite. It was super creamy and totally captured the sharp cheddar flavor. Reheating the leftovers was not as good. Eating it cold was terrible. As for me, though I did enjoy the Mac & Cheese, I found I liked it better after adding turmeric & curry powder.

The alfredo was my favorite. I thought it tasted just like alfredo made with milk. It was also very smooth and creamy. I did not have to add any additional seasoning to spice it up. The only drawback was that like the cheddar version, it did not taste good being reheated.

Of course, making your own cheesy pasta from scratch is better. But, if you are short on time or have a craving for fast mac & cheese we highly recommend it!

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