Meditation is amazing. It has completely changed our lives for the better. We often go about our day rushing around focused on the physical and let our internal selves take a back seat. As a result, we may feel a wide range of emotions from restlessness, depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, etc. We get so caught up in the physical world that we start to lose sight of who we are and what we actually want in this life. BUT, when you take time for yourself and calm your mind you can start to work through these issues and begin a path of self-love & self-discovery.
What is Meditation?
All over the world across cultures and ages, people have practiced some form of meditation. So, there are A LOT of types of meditation. Most people decide the type of meditation they like and stick with it. They are all equal and all very beneficial.
We are trained in Guided Meditation. This is a kind of meditation that combines Transcendental Meditation techniques (a type of silent mantra meditation developed by Mahesh Yogi) with Mindfulness Meditation (focus on the breath). During a session, we help the meditatee using visualization while meditating to aid in their healing.
How to Meditate
As we have said before there are so many ways to meditate and all are great. However, this is a quick way, to sum up how we like to do it:
- Sit in a comfortable spot free of distraction – some people even like to lay or rest in a comfortable yoga pose
- Use a mudra with your hands if you have a favorite one. We like to rest our hand’s palms upward on our knees.
- Breathe in slowly and deeply. Deep breathe in your stomach. Picture your belly like a balloon filling with air and then slowly release the air. Do this several times.
- While you are breathing focus on your breath. If you are being guided, still listen to what is being said yet recognize your breath. If you are not, and you are having trouble focusing we suggest using a mantra or a short affirmation, repeating over and over silently to yourself.
- You may find thoughts creeping up in your mind. Acknowledge these thoughts and then let them go. Think that you are whisking them away, going back to your breath
- Remember that you are in this moment – only focus on the now. The past has already happened and the future has not. You are here and it is ok to let go.
Meditate as long as you intuitively feel you need to or set a timer. We recommend meditating in the morning before you get out of bed (even if only for 5 minutes) and at night before going to sleep to help relax from the day.
Try It Yourself!
This is a guided meditation to help you get clarity on your goals and desires. Creating a vision of how you want your life is the first step to achieving your dreams. Try this short guided meditation to not only relax but get help you get excited about manifesting your ideal life.
For more information on mindfulness check out our blog and if you are interested in learning about Reiki click here.