
What is Reiki?

As you may know, we are trained Reiki practitioners in Usui Reiki. So, what is Reiki? Reiki is an energetic healing modality. In Japanese Rei means Universal and Ki represents Life Energy. The practitioner channels universal energy to the client. Reiki can be done in person and sent to individuals. Reiki works on the mind and body. It is natural therapy that uses healing vibrations channeled to the recipient.  There are many benefits to having Reiki be apart of your practice. It helps to relieve stress, release emotional blocks, balance the body’s energy and chakras, it supports other healing modalities and can be used with traditional healing therapies. As it is said to aid other healing therapies, it is vital that one continues seeing professional medical providers when needed!

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki can be used for a variety of different things. Here are a few benefits of Reiki:

  • Relieves Stress & Promotes Relaxation
  • Clears Emotional Blocks
  • Balances Energies
  • Pain Relief
  • Supports Healing
  • Cleans Auras

Reiki Techniques

There are many different types of Reiki that are all just as effective in our opinion. There are also plenty of techniques. Some of those include:

  • Centering energy
  • Clearing blocks
  • Extracting negative energies
  • Infusing (items, food, etc)
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Distant Healing

What to expect when receiving Reiki

When receiving Reiki in person the recipient will lay or sit in a meditative state, relax, and let the practitioner give the energy by laying their hands on key parts of the body. When receiving Reiki from a distance we recommend setting time aside, in a calm place and just being open to receiving the energy. Some people like to meditate while others may just practice self-care (ie relaxing while reading a book). However, you can also receive energy while just going about your day. Either way, once the energy is sent you will receive it. If you are having personalized Reiki for a specific need, you will be asked to fill out an intake form (completely confidential) and all sessions receive a consent form.  

Everyone feels Reiki energy differently. Some people get sleepy, emotional, light-headed, tingly, hot flashes, cold flashes, or may feel nothing at all. If the energy has been sent, trust that the wisdom of Reiki is working with you. Any healing reaction will subside within a few hours or a couple of days.


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