Tag: weird wednesday

What are Indigo, Crystal, & Rainbow Kids? Are you one?

SO- I’m not going to lie, I love this stuff. I find the entire idea of Starseeds* & Lightworkers* so interesting. Pop culture has been infiltrated with the term “Indigo Child” with plenty of artists claiming to be one.  That being said, I was already familiar with the term. But, more recently I discovered that […]

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5 Signs You Are an Empath

The term Empath has gained a lot of popularity recently so we decided to take a closer look at the word and figure out what an Empath truly is. Most people if not everyone is able to experience empathy. This is when you feel for someone else or try to relate to them emotionally. However, […]

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Life Update: May and New Beginnings

In the month of May, we decided to take a huge leap and start working on projects we have always wanted to do but kept putting off. We always tell people things like “Make today the day you start working on your dreams” or “ There is never a good time to start something new. […]

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