Things To Know About Self-Love: 30 Day Affirmation Guide


Our first book all about loving who you are. A 30-day affirmation guide to inspire self-love.  Full of inspiring affirmations and exercises to help you learn how awesome you truly are. Start loving yourself more today!

This is a short, easy to digest book to be read over a course of 30 days. Use it as often as you may need & keep it with you when you need a boost in self-love.


A 30 Day Affirmation Guide to help you stand strong against doubt, life pressures, and facilitate you in loving yourself more. You are amazing. Start believing the truth of your greatness today.

What Are Affirmations?: Affirmations are statements used to change our subconscious mind. They are tools to assist in removing limiting belief systems. Think about the things you say to and about yourself. Those things you say you ultimately believe as your truths. By using positive self-love affirmations you will start to reprogram your mind into knowing how awesome you truly are.

How to Use Affirmations: Say the positive affirmation to yourself (or out loud) all throughout the day. Say them until you believe them. Feel what you are saying. Keep saying them until you know they are true. Affirmations can also be used in place of negative thoughts to help release negative thought patterns. Every time you say something negative about yourself, counter and replace it with a positive one.

For example, if you think “My hair looks bad.” replace the affirmation with “I am beautiful”.

About Our Guide: Our guide is designed to help you on your journey to self-love. Self-love is so important. Everything starts with loving yourself. Every day you will receive a new affirmation for 30 days. For that day alone repeat the affirmation over and over again with the goal of feeling it as true. Though optional, you may keep using that same affirmation for several days until you thoroughly believe it. If any affirmations really stand out to you, use it as long as you may need.

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